
Christ Church conference 2017

I organised the following conference together with Joanna Weinberg. I also put together an exhibition at Christ Church College / Oxford which opened during the conference and which welcomes visitors until October 2017. EAJS Conference Jewish Books and their Christian Collectors in Europe, the New World and Czarist Russia Christ Church Blue Boar Lecture Theatre 22-23 May 2017 Monday, 22 May 9.30 Welcome: Martyn Percy 9.35 Introduction: Jan Joosten 9.45-10.30 Saverio Campanini: New Evidence on the Formation of Francesco Zorzi’s…

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early printed books

For the year 5782 The Jewish holy day of Rosh ha-Shanah (the New Year), marking the creation of the world, is a time of penitence and prayer, but with plenty of sweetness added to the celebration.  While the Hebrew Bible begins with creation, a later mystical treatise called Sefer Yetsirah – of ancient or early medieval origin – focuses specifically on this subject. Heaven or Hell? Several Jewish rabbinic authorities and scholars consider the central concept of paradise to be either terrestrial…

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